FaE – Overall Faction CAB Rating (adjusted for bonus). Sorted by this value by default.

Writer’s Block (Hybrid Faction/Galaxy)

Thursday, 12/26 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 12/30 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Event Crew: Lieutenant Marseilles (New) 5*, Neelix EMH (New) 4* , and Holonovel Doctor (Existing) 4*.
Bonus Crew: High bonus: event crew  | small bonus: variants of Paris, Neelix, EMH, and crew with the ‘Writer’ trait.
Event Factions: Borg, Ferengi, and Terran

Photonic literary genius strikes again! The Doctor is penning his next great holo-masterpiece when holograms from abandoned drafts past find their way into his current novel. And their reappearance is influencing more than just the realm of fiction!

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Thursday, 03/28 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 04/01 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)