FaE – Overall Faction CAB Rating (adjusted for bonus). Sorted by this value by default.

A Question of Ethics (Faction)

Thursday, 1/2 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 1/6 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Event Crew: Norah Satie (New) 5*, Tabor (New) 4* , and Judge Advocate Prosecutor Batel (Existing) 4*
Bonus Crew: high bonus: event crew | small bonus: variants of Satie, Tabor, Batel and crew with the ‘Interrogator’ trait.
Event Faction: Federation, Maquis, and Section 31

Justice is not always cut and dry. In the age of the temporal anomaly crisis, Starfleet is finding difficulty in navigating the moral gray. But one case could challenge the very core of the Federation.

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Thursday, 03/28 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 04/01 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)