FaE – Overall Faction CAB Rating (adjusted for bonus). Sorted by this value by default.

Inertia (Hybrid Faction/Galaxy)

Thursday, 12/05 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 12/09 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Event Crew: Hacking Tilly (New) 5*, Lt. Commander Bryce (existing) 5*, Moll (existing) 5* and Guardian Gray (New) 4*
Bonus Crew: High bonus: event crew  | small bonus: variants of Tilly, Gray, Bryce, and crew with the ‘DSC’ trait.
Event Factions: Augments, Federation, and Romulan Star Empire

Moll has given the Discovery the slip, but that is the least of anyone’s concerns, as her actions may threaten life in the 32nd century.

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Thursday, 03/28 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 04/01 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)