FaE – Overall Faction CAB Rating (adjusted for bonus). Sorted by this value by default.

The Best of All Worlds (Faction)

Thursday, 02/08 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 02/12 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Event Crew: Kodrak (new) 5*, Nausicaan Thug (new) 4*, Kazon Seska (existing) 4*, Fascination Lwaxana (existing) 5*.
Bonus Crew: high bonus: event crew | small bonus: variants of Odo, Nausicaan, Seska and crew with the ‘January 2024 & Klingon’ trait.
Event Faction: Augments, Maquis, and Section 31

Odo has been undercover, investigating a possible conspiracy that spans the four quadrants. However, when contact is lost, Lwaxana becomes hellbent on tracking down the Changeling – no matter what. But will her rash actions unleash a dangerous calamity upon the galaxy?

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Peldor Joi (Faction)

Thursday, 03/28 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 04/01 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)