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Throw the Book At ‘Em (Faction)

Thursday, 08/29 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC) – Monday, 09/02 at Noon ET (16:00 UTC)

Event Crew: D’Erika Tendi (new) 5*, Mistress of the Winter Constellation (existing) 5*, Cadet Rutherford (existing) 4*, and DS9 Mariner (existing) 4*
Bonus Crew: high bonus: event crew | small bonus: variants of LOW, D’Erika, Rutherford, Mariner, Tendi, and crew with the ‘Scoundrel’ trait.
Event Faction: Federation, Section 31, and Terran Empire

A string of thefts around the galaxy unfortunately coincides with the disappearance of Tendi, Rutherford, and Mariner. More than a few in Starfleet are looking at this timing with suspicion. Are they behind this? Or is something more going on?